SME Commercial Leasing Principles during Covid-19
Our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has recently announced that there will be a mandatory code for commercial tenancies for small...
JobKeeper Payment – Latest Stimulus Package Released
Our government has announced a $130 billion wage subsidy to support businesses to stay in business and keep Australians in...
Single Touch Payroll: what you need to know
Single Touch Payroll (STP) – the direct reporting of salary and wages, PAYG withholding and superannuation contribution information to the...
Will your business be audited?
How the ATO identifies audit targets...
Power And Influence
The other business influencer that can make or break you.
Did a Kardashian really just wipe US $1.3bn off the share...
Tax treatment of passive investment companies – do they carry on a business?
Earlier this year the ATO Commissioner issued Draft Taxation Ruling TR 2017/D2 (the ruling) which represents the Commissioner’s preliminary view...